About Cherry Valley
"Students at Cherry Valley Elementary will learn and grow to their highest potential in a safe, cooperative and productive learning environment."
Each student is a unique individual. Cherry Valley staff will nurture the academic, physical and emotional well-being of each student to support academic performance and social interactive skills. Positive, proactive approaches will be used in all settings with students. All students will be given an opportunity to achieve consistent expectations with recognition for their efforts. We are a supportive school community where learning and student performance is our focus.
Therefore, we will:
Provide a safe, caring environment where student growth is maximized within the expectations, beliefs, and support of the community.
Agree on and support common goals designed to develop academic, social and physical skills.
Ensure that these skills will allow our students to be positive, supportive, and contributing members of our free and enlightened society.
Parents and Community will:
Advocate for their child's interest.
Communicate openly and participate fully in the education of children.
Support the policies, procedures, practices, and activities of the district which are in the best interest of all students.
Ensure that students come to school ready to learn.
Support the education program with time and resources.
Students will:
Give their best effort.
Be open to learning.
Ask questions.
Contribute positively to the school and its mission.
Respect themselves, others, and property.
Become involved in a variety of academic, social and community activities.
Have fun.
More Information:
Cherry Valley Office
Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 4:15 pm
Principal: Mrs. Mary Morman
Colleen Mastro, Office Manager
For registration questions or to report an absence:
email students' teacher and huntk@rsd407.org