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Frequently Asked Questions
What if my student is absent from school?Please call the school office at 425-844-4750 and leave a message at any time. You may also email the office at Remember to state the reason for your absence. If your student is ill, please give specific details as the state requires us to report illness symptoms. Participation in school-approved activity. To be excused, this absence must be authorized by a staff member and the affected teacher must be notified prior to the absence unless it is clearly impossible to do so. Please submit a "Planned Absence" form. Absence due to illness, health condition, family emergency. The parent is expected to notify the school office via phone, fax, or email, or send a note of explanation with the student within ten (10) working days upon his/her return to school Absence for parental approved activities, including religious purposes. This category of absence, which must be submitted in writing prior to the absence, shall be counted as excused for purposes agreed upon by the parent. An absence may not be approved if it causes a serious adverse effect on the student's educational progress. Please submit a "Planned Absence" form. Planned Absence forms are available in the school office or on the Cherry Valley website and must be approved by the principal BEFORE your child's absence. Absence resulting from disciplinary actions - or short-term suspension. If you do not report your student's absence to the Cherry Valley office, we will consider the absence unexcused. We do make "safe arrival" calls when we have absent students who have not been reported. Always call the school office, even if you have spoken to your student's teacher.
Where can I find a Planned Absence Form?On our Forms Page! CLICK HERE.
I need to change the bus pick up or drop off location, or the way my student normally goes home from school (i.e. picked up by a different person, walking home with someone else, riding the bus to a different location). Whom do I call?"Please notify us before 2:30pm. VERY IMPORTANT: We cannot guarantee that we can get a note to students in time if we receive a call after 3:15pm. We will try. For permanent changes in bus transportation, please call the District Transportation Department at 425-844-4540 .Please use this template when emailing our Attendance Registrar and including your teacher. Please include other families full name and other students full name if applicable. Car pick up is in the car line, parent meeting is on the downstairs blacktop. EVERYDAY YOUR STUDENT IS ABSENT Please include specific reasons and use this template when emailing our Attendance Registrar and including your teacher, for absence (sick is not acceptable for our records. See below). Student full name: Parent full name: Parent contact phone number: Teacher name: Grade: Reason student is absent: **Sick is not a "reason" the state will take into accountability. Please provide the symptom(s). Examples of symptoms are: cough, fever, runny nose, headache, sore throat, body aches, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, positive COVID, etc. Please feel to copy and paste this template into the body of your email when emailing and your students' teacher. If your student is going home a different route, please email our Attendance Registrar, Katherine Hunt: and your student's teacher. In the email include the following applicable details: student full name and the teacher's name that goes with that student, who the student is getting picked up by, the specific location of pick up. If riding the bus, include full name of student and the teacher's name that goes with that student, the bus color/number the student is taking home as well as the full name of the student they are riding home with.
What if I have changes to information such as a phone number, address, or emergency contacts?"Please call the Cherry Valley Elementary office with any changes as soon as possible. Our online communication tool, Constant Contact sends emails to families about school activities as well as emergency information, such as weather, that impacts school attendance. Please be sure that the office has your current email address.
What do I do if I have to pick my student up early from school?To ensure that a child is taken from school only by an authorized person, a note from home must be presented to his/her teacher or a phone call made to the office before the child is released. All notes then go to the office. When the parent/guardian arrives to pick up their child they will sign them out in the office and the office staff will call them down to the office. No one is to leave the school grounds without permission. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds while waiting for their bus.
TransportationIf you have any questions about bus transportation, routes, pick up or drop off times please contact the Transportation Office at 425-844-4540.
My student has medication needs during the day. What do I need to do?All medications, prescriptions and over the counter (including topical creams, cough drops, Tylenol and other various over the counter drugs) must be authorized by a physician using the official district "Medication Authorization" form. For your convenience we could FAX a copy of the form to your doctor after you have filled out the parent section. Students are only authorized to apply topical creams when a doctor's authorization is on file in our office, and should come to the health room. CLICK HERE for the "Medical Authorization" or visit our "Forms" page.
When to keep your student home, or when your student might be sent home.Please keep your student home from school when they are sick. If your child experiences any of the following symptoms, please keep them home from school (email and their teacher to report absences) and reach out to our nurse ( for further guidance about their return to school. We will also reach out if your child has any of these symptoms while at school and needs to be sent home. Congestion or runny nose Vomiting or diarrhea, until symptom free for 24 hours Headache Fatigue Sore throat Students with a cough or sore throat, especially with a fever, should stay home from school until at least 24 hours after flu-like symptoms have resolved. Students with a fever of 100° F or higher should stay home for at least 24 hours and not attend school until fever-free for 24 hours, without fever-reducing medications Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Muscle or body aches New loss of taste or smell Pink eye, with or without drainage, until treated Body rash
How do I purchase breakfast or lunch for my student?Cherry Valley has a "Bank a Meal" program in which you pay ahead for your child. If your student eats school meals daily or even occasionally, you may deposit money into their account. Each student receives a "student number" for their account. As they use that "student number" the account is debited automatically. The same account is used for both breakfast and lunch. You may send in any amount to be deposited. If at all possible, please pay by check. It is much easier for us to process and less likely to be lost. Please be sure that your student's name and teacher's name are on the check and are sent in an envelope. As they learn their account "student number"(the "other ID" found on Family Access), that should be include on the envelope with their name and teacher name also. Reminders are sent home when funds for two lunches are left on your student's account. If for some reason your child forgets to bring in money, they are allowed to "charge" 2 times and receive a lunch. After that they will be offered a plain peanut butter or plain cheese sandwich and water, as an emergency lunch. A reminder note is sent home. CLICK HERE or more information on lunch menus, the cost of lunch, etc.
How much does breakfast or lunch cost? What are the menus?CLICK HERE for information on Food Services in the Riverview School District.
My student's lunch account doesn't seem accurate. Whom should I contact?First call the kitchen at Cherry Valley at 425-844-4781. Please leave a detailed message for our cashier. You may also call the RSD Food Service Department at 425-844-4560 to speak with Shelly Loynes, Food Services Supervisor. Our school cashier is usually at school from about 11:00 am to 2:00pm. She may not be able to return your call until the next day.
Where can I find forms (Planned Absence, Medical Authorization, Registration)?We've put all our forms in one place for your convenience. CLICK HERE to view our "Forms" page.
Riverview "Family Access""The Riverview School District recognizes that many parents would like to play a greater role in their student's education. To make it easier for you to get involved we are providing you with the ability to view your individual student's school information anytime via a password protected secure website. Parents of Riverview students can view their student's Schedule, Assignments, Grades, Attendance, (Tolt and Cedarcrest) and other General Student Information. (Elementary) The "Web Portal" that makes this possible is called "Family Access" (Skyward) and is available at this link: Note: You will need your specific username and password to access the site. *Please call the main office at your student's school for username and password assistance.*
eFunds for School/Online payment option for familiesRiverview offers an exciting new program to pay for various school fees online. e-Funds for Schools offers options for parents/guardians who choose to make payments on-line and is extremely user friendly. Not only will you have the ability to have school fees and meal payments electronically withdrawn from your checking account or charged to your credit card, you also have the flexibility to make a payment at any time through the link below. The e-Funds For Schools service is offered by a third party service provider who charges for processing your payment(s), similar to other on-line banking services. The district does not request or keep records of family checking or credit card account information. Online payments will be processed each morning at 6:30am. Payments made after 6:30am will be posted to the following day. Please plan ahead when making food service payments. We will no longer accept credit/debit card payments over the phone for meal payments. If you are interested in using eFunds to pay for student fees or lunch payments you will need your student ID # and the four digit Family ID# which is located in Family Access under the "Student Information" tab. You may call the office for that information too. CLICK HERE for eFunds.
What is the daily schedule?9:25 am: Students may arrive anytime between 9:15 am and 9:25 am. At 9:15 am, the bell rings and students enter the building and go directly to their classrooms. After 9:25 am: Tardy - If your student arrives after 9:25 am, a guardian must sign them in at the office and student will receive a Tardy slip. 9:25 am - 3:45 pm: Grades K-5, (Monday - Thursday and Full Day Fridays) 9:25 am - 2:15 pm: Grades K-5 (Most Fridays. CLICK HERE to view District Calendar for Early Release Dates) 8:30 am - 4:00 pm: Office Hours
Besides a backpack, what does my student need to bring with them to school?Please send students with: backpacks headphones/ear buds (if requested by teacher) a water bottle to use throughout the day extra masks a snack a lunch (if bringing from home) an extra change of clothing (for grades K-2)
What is the process for sending notes or money to school?Students should give all notes and/or money (in Ziploc or envelope) to their classroom teacher at the beginning of the school day. Teachers then send all pertinent notes, bus pass requests, and money to the office to be processed. Please use full names when writing notes and put teacher's name on the note also. Checks will need to have student's name as well as teacher name.
Where can I find lost and found items?Our Lost and Found for clothes, backpacks, and lunch boxes etc. is located by the gym in the two big wooden boxes and on the hooks in that hallway. Small items such as jewelry, toys, electronic items, etc. are kept in the office. Please check with one of the secretaries to claim these items. PLEASE write your child's name in coats and hats, lunch boxes, etc. so that they can be returned to their owners.
I have an incoming kindergartner. Where can I find information about kindergarten?We have a special web page devoted to our kindergartners. It includes links to the registration packet, important dates, and other registration information. CLICK HERE to learn more about kindergarten at Cherry Valley.
Emergency ClosuresConditions, such as snow, ice, power outages, windstorms, and floods may make it necessary to temporarily alter the operation of schools and/or school buses in the Riverview School District. For the latest closure information for the Riverview School District, visit the district website HERE. Parents can also sign up for automatic Flash Alerts through email and SchoolMessenger Text Alerts. CLICK HERE for more information on these services and how to sign up. Messages will also be sent out via Parent Square.
Where can I find information about before/after school care for my child(ren)?Cherry Valley has an Extended Day program called Cheetah Club that provides care for students before and after school. CLICK HERE for more information about our Extended Day program.
I'd like to volunteer at Cherry Valley. What do I need to do?We enjoy having visitors and volunteers in our schools and invite parents to be actively involved in our classrooms. Cherry Valley depends on volunteers and values their contributions. We care about the safety of staff and children, so all prospective volunteers must apply and be approved by the Riverview School District before they can begin volunteering in the building. CLICK HERE to learn more about how to become an approved volunteer.
During school events, I cannot find parking. Do you have any suggestions?Parking can be an issue here at Cherry Valley. We now have a new parking lot available off of 3rd Ave on the top of the school property and all access to the lower East school parking lot will only be from the 3rd Ave entrance & exit. We encourage parents to also park along 3rd Ave and to walk across the playground to enter the school. There is also limited parking on Cherry Valley Rd. The 2 staff lots in front of the school are designated as staff parking and bus pickup and drop off areas. There is no parking allowed at Holy Innocents Church on Cherry Valley Road.
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