1st-5th grade registration
Online registration for new students for the 2024-25 school year is now available by clicking the link below:
**Please be sure to check the Boundary Map to make sure you are within Cherry Valley Elementary before registering your student. Stillwater Elem and Cherry Valley Elem both have borders that come into Duvall.
Proof of birthdate or other age-verification document such as a birth certificate, passport, visa, legal documentation, previously verified school records, etc.
Medically Verified Immunization Form
Proof of Residence. Acceptable proof of residency that will qualify as proof includes these only: utility bill, rental agreement, or mortgage statement showing guardian's name and in district school boundary service address
ONLINE (quickest and preferred method): CLICK HERE for the online registration submittal form. Please be sure all correct documents are uploaded.
For questions about registration, please contact Katherine Hunt or by phone at 425.844.4750.
For Kindergarten registration and information, see our "Kindergarten Information" tab
1st-5th grade registration check off list English
1st-5th grade registrations checklist Spanish
Prueba de nacimiento: Copia del Comprobante de Fecha de Nacimiento u otro documento de verificacion de edad como acta de nacimiento, pasaporte, visa, documentacion legal, expediente escolar previamente verificado, etc.
Formulario de vacunación médicamente verificado
Prueba de residencia: Una factura de servicios publicos, contrato de alquiler o declaracion de hipoteca que muestre el nombre de los padres y la direcion dentro del distrito.