Kindergarten Information
Kindergarten registration for 2024-25. Please check the Riverview School District boundary map to be sure you are registering in the correct elementary school based on actual home/living address. Boundary Map
Proof of birthdate or other age-verification document such as a birth certificate, passport, visa, legal documentation, previously verified school records, etc.
Medically Verified Immunization Form
Proof of Residence. Acceptable proof of residency that will qualify as proof includes these only: utility bill, rental agreement, or mortgage statement showing guardian's name and in district school boundary service address
For registration questions, please contact Katherine Hunt at or 425.844.4750.
3 Ways to Register for Kindergarten:
1. ONLINE (quickest and preferred method): CLICK HERE for the online registration submittal form. Please be sure all correct documents are uploaded.
2. Download a registrations packet and turn it in to Cherry Valley Elementary office: CLICK HERE download and print a hard copy of the kindergarten registration. Return the completed packet to the Cherry Valley Elementary office.
3. PICK UP A REGISTRATION PACKET AND TURN IN TO Cherry Valley Elementary office: Stop by the Cherry Valley Elementary office between 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, and pick up a hard copy of the kindergarten registration packet. Return the completed packet to the Cherry Valley Elementary office.
All immunizations must be medically verified and up-to-date or an official Certificate of Exemption (COE) state form must be on file before your child can start school.
Students entering kindergarten must be five years old on or before August 31. Students who are five by November 30, may apply and test for early entrance into kindergarten.
Extended Day Care Program (Cheetah Club): is available on a limited basis. If you need child care, please contact Denise Cunningham at for more information and to see if there is space in this program.
Información de jardín de infantes
Información de registro de jardín de infantes 2024-25
Si tiene preguntas sobre el registro, comuníquese con Katherine Hunt en o 425.844.4750.
Los estudiantes que ingresen al jardín de infantes deben tener cinco años el 31 de agosto o antes. Los estudiantes que tengan cinco años antes del 30 de noviembre pueden solicitar y evaluar el ingreso temprano al jardín de infantes.
Todas las vacunas deben estar médicamente verificadas y actualizadas o debe haber un formulario estatal oficial de Certificado de Exención (COE) en el archivo antes de que su hijo pueda comenzar la escuela.
Prueba de nacimiento: Copia del Comprobante de Fecha de Nacimiento u otro documento de verificacion de edad como acta de nacimiento, pasaporte, visa, documentacion legal, expediente escolar previamente verificado, etc.
Formulario de vacunación médicamente verificado
Prueba de residencia: Una factura de servicios publicos, contrato de alquiler o declaracion de hipoteca que muestre el nombre de los padres y la direcion dentro del distrito.